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We're back at TLC's Fire Mesa Campus


TLC's Campus COVID-19 Safety Rules

On March 2020, the WHO declared the coronavirus a global pandemic and in the days, weeks, and months from that declaration, the world transformed. Governments shut down entire cities and states; businesses shuttered; unemployment insurance claims broke records; toilet paper became a scarce commodity; people quarantined and struggled to find food, protection, and assurance; millions died.

While infection rates fluctuated, it was on the rise for months and conflicting information abounded making a dire situation all the more difficult.

Here we are almost 2 years later

TLC halted on campus operations March 15th, 2020. All class schedules were postponed or cancelled.

A few weeks later, Governor Sisolak gave the notice that non-essential businesses would be able to return, so we resumed classes. However, all classes since then have only ever been conducted online.

We're back!

This month, TLC has started offering on Campus Instructor Led Training. We do, however, have some new health/safety rules that we ask all that visit our campus to follow.

Stay safe out there!

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